Cargotec calls sea trade actors to jointly increase the industry efficiency

The inefficiency of the global container traffic costs about 17 billion euros a year. From a wider perspective, the inefficiency cost of the whole value chain might be as high as 150 billion. The digitalisation of the industry can lower these costs and reduce emission levels at the same time.

It has been estimated that sea transport will grow significantly in the coming decades. Although marine logistics is the least-emission-producing cargo handling method currently, the International Maritime Organization estimates that if nothing is done, shipping emissions will increase by 50 to 250 percent by 2050.

“From the climate point of view, this would be unsustainable. A quick way to curb the growth of emissions is to take advantage of the opportunities that digitalisation can offer”, explains Karoliina Loikkanen, Cargotec’s Corporate Responsibility Director.

The inefficiency of marine logistics increases if the unloading of a ship is delayed, for example. One delay can then force several other vessels ship late, making them miss their scheduled arrivals. If data would be combined from different sources, the operation of the whole logistics chain could be improved. A more efficient flow of goods results in lower emissions and costs per delivered tonnage.

The efficiency leap can happen when data-driven work methods and processes are being developed. “No actor alone can solve the bottlenecks of marine logistics – the change comes through collaboration,” says Jukka Lindström, VP Digital Transformation, Cargotec.

Cargotec plays a major role in global marine logistics. Every fourth container move in the world is being made by a Cargotec solution annually, while every other ship in the world carries its cargo and load handling solutions. Cargotec now calls all sea trade actors to work together to increase the industry efficiency.

“We want to look at the bigger picture together with other industry players. When everyone brings their own perspective and expertise to the table, completely new solutions and ideas can emerge. In our view this would be the best way to achieve the desired environmental and economic goals,” Lindström sums up.

Original text in Finnish: Kai Lintinen