Working group to prepare a roadmap for fossil-free transport

Minister of Transport and Communications Sanna Marin has appointed a working group to prepare Finland’s roadmap for fossil-free transport. The term of the working group will be from 1 November 2019 to 30 October 2020.

Prime Minister Rinne’s Government is committed to halving transport emissions by 2030. Attainment of the goal requires a wide range of measures and the commitment of all transport operators to reducing emissions.

“The aim is to create a range of means for cutting transport emissions by half over the next decade. The solutions must be ecologically, financially and socially sustainable. A large number of various actors in society have been invited to participate in the work and I hope that the sector will show strong commitment to reducing emissions,” says Minister of Transport and Communications Sanna Marin.

The task of the working group is to identify the necessary milestones along the way to fossil-free transport and to assess the cost-effectiveness and efficiency of the various measures. The roadmap will also cover the emissions reduction commitments made in the different fields of the transport sector.

In recent years, the critical nature of transport emissions reductions has been highlighted, because the technological development as well as the advances in fuel technology provide a lot of potential to reduce emissions in the transport sector. Transport emissions accounted for one fifth of Finland’s total emissions in 2018. The majority of transport emissions, more than 90%, come from road transport. Maritime emissions are about four per cent and domestic aviation emissions are about two per cent. Air transport is part of the EU emissions trading scheme. Rail transport accounts for less than one per cent of the transport emissions.
The working group will be chaired by Sabina Lindström, Director General of the Network Department of the Ministry of Transport and Communications. The group has members from ministries, NGOs and companies. 

The group has representatives from the Trade Union Pro, Automobile and Touring Club of Finland (ATCF), Transport Workers’ Union AKT, Association of Automobile Industry in Finland, Finnish Biocycle and Biogas Association, Finnish Energy, Finnish Federation for Communications and Teleinformatics FiCom, Finavia Corporation, Finnair Plc, ITS Finland, Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities, Transport and Communications Agency Traficom, Finnish Bus and Coach Association, Association of Logistics Companies, Finnish Marine Industries, Finnish Cyclists’ Federation, Finnish Transport and Logistics SKAL, Finnish Association for Nature Conservation, Finnish Port Association, Finnish Shipowners’ Association, Finnish Taxi Owners’ Federation, Federation of Finnish Technology Industries, Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency, VR Group, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, Ministry of Finance and Ministry of the Environment. In addition, group members include experts from the Climate Panel, Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra and VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. If necessary, other members may be invited to the working group during its term of office.

A representative to the group was also asked from WWF and an expert member from the VATT Institute for Economic Research.

What next?

The working group will start its work in November. There will be various consultations and a request for comments regarding the roadmap for fossil-free transport. The government plenary session is due to discuss the roadmap in autumn 2020. 


Henrik Haapajärvi, Special Adviser to Minister Marin, tel. +358 50 339 2604 
Sabina Lindström, Director General, tel. +358 40 527 6103
Päivi Antikainen, Director of Unit, tel. +358 50 382 7101
firstname.lastname@lvm.fiLinks to other web sites: